Atomic number | |
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Melting point | |
Boiling point | |
Electron affinity | |
Ionization | Hs |
Radius | Hs |
The symbol for Strontium is Sr.
The atomic number for Strontium is 38
The atomic weight for Strontium is 87.62
The melting point for Strontium is 1050.
The boiling point for Strontium is 1655.
There are 2 valence electron in Strontium
The electronic configuration for Strontium is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p6 5s2
The oxidation state for Strontium is 1,2c
Strontium is discovered in 1790
The density for Strontium at STP is 2630.
The ionization energy for Strontium is 549.5 KJ/mol
The specific heat for Strontium is 300
The vaporization heat for Strontium is 137
The fusion heat for Strontium is 8
The electron affinity for Strontium is 5.03
There are 33 isotopes in Strontium
The thermal conductivity for Strontium is 35
The quantum numbers for Strontium are 0,0,5
The abundance in universe for Strontium is 4.0e-6
The abundance in crust for Strontium is 0.036
The calculated radius for Strontium is 219
The empirical radius for Strontium is 200
The covalent radius for Strontium is 192
The vanderwaals radius for Strontium is undefined
The electronegativity for Strontium is 0.95