Atomic number | |
Chemical Symbol | |
Atomic weight | |
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Electronegativity | |
Melting point | |
Boiling point | |
Electron affinity | |
Ionization | Hs |
Radius | Hs |
The symbol for Phosphorus is P.
The atomic number for Phosphorus is 15
The atomic weight for Phosphorus is 30.973761998
The melting point for Phosphorus is 317.3
The boiling point for Phosphorus is 553.6
There are 5 valence electron in Phosphorus
The electronic configuration for Phosphorus is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p3
The oxidation state for Phosphorus is -3c,-2,-1,1,2,3c,4,5c
Phosphorus is discovered in 1669
The density for Phosphorus at STP is 1823.
The ionization energy for Phosphorus is 1011.8 KJ/mol
The specific heat for Phosphorus is 769.7
The vaporization heat for Phosphorus is 12.4
The fusion heat for Phosphorus is 0.64
The electron affinity for Phosphorus is 72
There are 23 isotopes in Phosphorus
The thermal conductivity for Phosphorus is 0.236
The quantum numbers for Phosphorus are 1,1,3
The abundance in universe for Phosphorus is 0.00070
The abundance in crust for Phosphorus is 0.099
The calculated radius for Phosphorus is 98
The empirical radius for Phosphorus is 100
The covalent radius for Phosphorus is 106
The vanderwaals radius for Phosphorus is 180
The electronegativity for Phosphorus is 2.19